Screenshot API Billing

For general billing policy for all Scrapfly products see the Billing Policy & Overview page.


The Screenshot API operates on a credit-based billing system. Each screenshot costs 60 API Credits. If the website's size exceeds 4MB, an additional 1 API Credit will be charged for every 100KB over the 4MB limit.

Each API request returns billing information about the used API credits. The X-Scrapfly-Api-Cost header contains the total amount of API credits used for this request.

17 Screenshots 3,333 Screenshots 16,667 Screenshots 41,667 Screenshots 91,667 Screenshots

Manage Spending

We offer a variety of tools to help you manage your spending and stay within your budget. Here are some of the ways you can do that:

  • Project can be used to define a global limit

    Each Scrapfly project can be restricted with a specific credit budget and concurrency limits and you can disable PAG usage.

  • Throttlers can be used to define limits per scraped website and timeframe

    Using Throttler's Spending Limit feature, each scrape target can be restricted with a specific credit budget for a given period. For example, you can set a budget of 10_000 credits per day for website A and 100_000 credits per month for website B.

By default, all account include a hard limit for Pay As You Go to avoid any major issue. The Pay As You Go usage is capped to 125% of your monthly quota. You will receive a notification when you reach 100% of your quota to warn you.

Example: You have 1,000,000 API Credits per month, you can use up to 1,250,000 API Credits on PAG, so a total of 2,250,000 credits.

If you have ongoing operation that will reach this limit, you can contact us to increase the limit exceptionally. If you are reaching this limit on your ENTERPRISE plan, you can contact us to create a custom plan.

By using these features, you can better manage your spending and ensure that you stay within your budget when using our Screenshot API.

Tracking API Credit Use

Following headers are available on the API response:

  • X-Scrapfly-Api-Cost: API Credit cost
  • X-Scrapfly-Remaining-Api-Credit: API Credit Remaining
  • X-Scrapfly-Project-Remaining-Api-Credit: If the Project have an API Credit limit, this header is present and announced the remaining API Credit
  • X-Scrapfly-Project-Remaining-Pag-Budget: If the Project have a Budget Limit, this header is present and announced the remaining PAG Budget

You can also retrieve account information (quota, concurrency and so on) via our Account API
