Javascript Scenario
Scrapfly's js_scenario provides an ability to fully control a headless web browser. Javascript Scenario can be used to issue browser commands like clicking buttons, filling in forms, scrolling and executing custom javascript code.
This feature require Javascript Rendering enabled and the target page must be an html page, otherwise it's not executed.
Javascript scenario details are available in the API response result.browser_data.js_scenario
as well as
the monitoring dashboard:
Javascript scenario consists of one or multiple browser actions that are passed to Scrapfly as a base64 encoded JSON array. An average scenario looks something like this:
Each scenario step is a JSON object with a single key that represents the action to be performed and details of the action.
Once you design your javascript scenario use Scrapfly's base64 encoding online tool to convert it to a base64 encoded string that can be passed to the API for execution.
Note on Timeouts
The entire Javascript Scenario has an execution budget of 25 seconds. Scrapfly does a rough estimation on the maximum JS scenario execution time and will reject any scenarios that are estimated to take more than 25 seconds.
For long-running javascript scenario requiring more than 25sec - You can check the how timeout works
timeout after90s
by default and you can customize the timeout withretry=false&timeout=120000
Full example with API Player
The best way to get familiar with Javascript Scenarios is to use the Scrapfly Web Player to design and test your scenario. However, here's an example to get you started - this scenario will login to by performing these steps:
- Select username input box and fill value
- Select password input box and fill value
- Select and click login button
- Wait for navigation to acknowledge button click for maximum of 5 seconds
Then, this scenario can be base64 encoded and passed to Scrapfly API for execution:
curl -G \
--request "GET" \
--url "" \
--data-urlencode "render_js=true" \
--data-urlencode "js_scenario=W3siZmlsbCI6eyJzZWxlY3RvciI6ImlucHV0W25hbWU9dXNlcm5hbWVdIiwidmFsdWUiOiJ1c2VyMTIzIn19LHsiZmlsbCI6eyJzZWxlY3RvciI6ImlucHV0W25hbWU9cGFzc3dvcmRdIiwidmFsdWUiOiJwYXNzd29yZCJ9fSx7ImNsaWNrIjp7InNlbGVjdG9yIjoiYnV0dG9uW3R5cGU9J3N1Ym1pdCddIn19LHsid2FpdF9mb3JfbmF2aWdhdGlvbiI6eyJ0aW1lb3V0Ijo1MDAwfX1d" \
--data-urlencode "key=__API_KEY__" \
--data-urlencode "url="
Example of response with scenario
Scenario Step Types
Currently, 7 scenario types are supported. Each scenario type has a different set of mandatory and optional parameters.
- [MANDATORY] param_name:type
- [OPTIONAL] param_name:type
- Waiting element to be visible
- Moving to the element (mouse and scroll) like a human
- Trigger the focus of the element
- Left click
- selector:string Accept CSS Selector and XPATH Selector
- ignore_if_not_visible:bool Wait the element if visible then just skip if not
- multiple:bool If multiple element match, click on all matched elements
- Waiting element to be visible
- Moving to the element (mouse and scroll) like a human
- Trigger the focus of the element
- Type the value in the input like a human
- selector:string Any valid CSS and XPATH Selector
- value:string Value to type in element
- clear:boolean Clear the input field before writing
- status_code:int
- selector_state:string=existing
- timeout:int=1000
- selector:string Any valid CSS or XPATH selector
- selector_state:string Can be
- action:string Action when the condition is met, can be
- Check the equality of the status code with the response status code
- Wait the element is visible
- Wait the selector is visible
- Scroll like a human
- element:string=body a valid css selector or xpath or "body"
- selector:string a valid css selector or xpath or "bottom" as target to scroll
- infinite:int=0 infinite scroll - number of scroll iteration
- click_selector:string a valid css selector or xpath to click on after the scroll - like a "view more" button
- The Javascript code is executed
If the javascript code return something - it's stored and available in API response
, all "execute" step have aresult
entry. - Support Async/Await function
- script:string Script to execute, it can return serializable value
- timeout:int Timeout to wait after the script execution have started - expressed in millisecond
- timeout:int Maximum timeout to wait for a navigation - expressed in millisecond
- selector:string=body a valid css selector or xpath or "body"
- state:string=visible state of the element in the page "visible" or "hidden"
- timeout:int=5000 Timeout to wait before fail - expressed in milliseconds
selector:string ignore_if_not_visible:bool=false timeout budget (ms): +2500Click on a visible element. It's a native click and emit a trusted event - it's not simulated with javascript.
Internal Workflow
selector:string value:string timeout budget (ms): +${timeout} +500Type the provided value in the targeted element. The typing is not simulated in javascript - it's from real keyboard input.
Internal Workflow
Condition are exclusive to one of
Play the scenario only if the condition is met
Internal Workflow
timeout budget (ms): +${wait}Make a pause during the scenario. The whole pause time is added to the scenario budget
There is no parameter, you pass directly the value expressed in millisecond
element:string=body selector:string=bottom timeout budget (ms): +500Scroll to the selector (if no selector, scroll to the bottom). If the element parameter is a valid selector, it's scroll within the element. The scroll is not simulated with javascript - it's simulated with real mouse input.
Internal Workflow
timeout:int=3000 timeout budget (ms): +${timeout}Execute a javascript script and store the result if a result is returned
Internal Workflow
Wait For Navigation
timeout:int=1000 timeout budget (ms): +${timeout} + 1500Time to wait to detect a navigation / changing page. The given timeout + 1500 (1.5s) is added to the scenario budget - this additional time represent the average duration of a standard page loading (with assets, xhr, etc). For example if you set a timeout of 1000, 2500 is counted.
Wait For Selector
selector:string=body state:string=visible timeout budget (ms): +${timeout}Wait the element is visible (if state=visible) in the page or the element disappear (state=hidden). If the selector is not present in the desired state until the timeout this step failed and the scenario is aborted. The timeout is added to the scenario budget