Scrapfly Integrations

Scrapfly APIs have several official and unofficial integrations to popular tool platforms and libraries. Using these integrations, you can easily automate web scraping, data extraction, and screenshot capture tasks in your preferred environment.


As integrations use the same HTTP APIs, all you need is to grab your API key from the dashboard and start using them! Note that all integration requests will also appear on your monitoring dashboard so you can review and debug your integration at any time.

No-code Tool Integrations

Scrapfly APIs are accessible through any HTTP client and support webhooks which makes them accessible in any no-code tool that supports HTTP requests.

Currently, these no-code tools are supported officially:

AI Tool Integrations

Web scraping is ideal for use with AI tools, so all Scrapfly APIs are integrated with popular AI tools. Though, note that Scrapfly already supports AI extraction through AI Auto Extract and LLM features.

Currently, these AI tools are supported officially:


Scrapfly integrations return standard Scrapfly error codes and messages. See each API's error docs for more information:


No additional costs. All integrations use the same Scrapfly API credits as direct API usage.
