API Errors


If you want to port those definitions into your application, you can checkout the Exportable Definition section to retrieve the JSON describing errors.

Generic API Error

Example of API error response :

    status: "error",
    http_code: 401,
    reason: "Unauthorized",
    error_id: "301e2d9e-b4f5-4289-85ea-e452143338df",
    message: "Invalid API key"

HTTP 400

Bad Request: Parameters sent to the API are incorrect. Check out the related documentation to figure out the error.

HTTP 404

Not Found: API URL might have a typo or be incorrect. Check out the related documentation to figure out the error.

HTTP 422

Unprocessable Entity: Your request was correct, but for some reason, we cannot handle it. Most of the time, the entity which you want to update/delete has already been processed.

HTTP 429

Too Many Request: API endpoint, which should be called with a high frequency, are throttled internally to prevent service disruption. If this happened too many times, your account would be suspended.

HTTP 500

Internal Server Error: Scrapfly is in trouble, and we have been alerted of the issue.

HTTP 502

Web service that exposes Scrapfly to the internet is in trouble, and we have been alerted of the issue.

HTTP 503

Service Temporary Unavailable: Scrapfly might run in degraded mode, or maintenance was scheduled to upgrade our service.

HTTP 504

Scrapfly is not reachable or takes too much time to respond.

Web Scraping API Errors

Scrapfly provides API errors in two locations - in the response body and the response headers:

The error details are present in the response body result.error key.

The error details are also present in the response x-scrapfly-reject-* headers.

Error Definitions

The protocol is not supported only http:// or https:// are supported

The website you target respond with an unexpected status code (>400)

Cost budget has been reached, you must increase the budget to pass this target

The DNS of the targeted website is not resolving or not responding

The Domain targeted is not allowed or restricted

The DOM Selector is invalid

The requested DOM selected is invisible (Mostly issued when element is targeted for screenshot)

The requested DOM selected was not found in rendered content within 15s

Driver used to perform the scrape can crash for many reason

Driver do not have enough resource to render the page correctly

Driver timeout - No response received

The javascript to execute goes wrong, please read the associated message to figure out the problem

Network error happened between Scrapfly server and remote server

Server of upstream website closed unexpectedly the connection

No browser available in the pool

This is a generic error for when timeout occur. It happened when internal operation took too much time

The limit set to the current project has been reached

You reach your scrape quota plan for the month. You can upgrade your plan if you want increase the quota

Submitted scenario would require more than 30s to complete

Javascript Scenario Failed

Javascript Scenario Timeout

ScrapeEngineError due to SSL, mostly due to handshake error

You reach concurrent limit of scrape request of your current plan

Unable to take screenshot

The website you target made too much time to response

The website you tried to scrape have configuration or malformed response


The desired proxy pool is not available for the given domain - mostly well known protected domain which require at least residential networks

Provided Proxy Pool Name do not exists

Country not available for given proxy pool

Proxy are saturated for the desired country, you can try on other countries. They will come back as soon as possible

Proxy connection or website was too slow and timeout

Proxy is unavailable - The domain (mainly gov website) is restricted, You are using session feature and the proxy is unreachable at the moment


Your scrape request has been throttled. API Credit Budget reached. If it's not expected, please check your throttle configuration for the given project and env.

Your scrape request has been throttled. Too many concurrent access to the upstream. If it's not expected, please check your throttle configuration for the given project and env.

Your scrape request as been throttle. Too much request during the 1m window. If it's not expected, please check your throttle configuration for the given project and env

Anti Scraping Protection (ASP)

Something wrong happened with the captcha. We will figure out to fix the problem as soon as possible

The budgeted time to solve the captcha is reached

The ASP encounter an unexpected problem. We will fix it as soon as possible. Our team has been alerted

The ASP shield previously set is expired, you must retry.

  • Retryable: Yes
  • HTTP status code: 422

The ASP shield failed to solve the challenge against the anti scrapping protection

The ASP made too much time to solve or respond

Despite our effort, we were unable to solve the captcha. It can happened sporadically, please retry

The response given by the upstream after challenge resolution is not expected. Our team has been alerted


The targeted schedule has been disabled


Given webhook is disabled, please check out your webhook configuration for the current project / env

We were not able to contact your endpoint

You reach the maximum concurrency limit

Maximum retry exceeded on your webhook

Unable to find the given webhook for the current project / env

You reach the limit of scheduled webhook - You must wait pending webhook are processed


Concurrent access to the session has been tried. If your spider run on distributed architecture, check if the correlation id is correctly configured

Exportable Definition

If you want to handle errors from your application without copy-pasting the whole error definition into your application to match errors, here is a portable JSON of error definition:
