Social Media Post Extraction Schema

This model has been tailored based on customer feedback and usage. If you need a specific model and enough generalist, you can contact us on the support link below. If some fields are missing, you can also contact us to add them.

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SocialMediaPost object
  • socialPlatform string

    The social media platform where the post was made (e.g., facebook, instagram, twitter, linkedIn, tiktok) in lowercase.

  • postId string

    The unique identifier for the post.

  • postAuthor object

    Information about the author of the post.

    • authorId string

      The unique identifier for the author.

    • authorName string

      The name of the author.

    • authorUsername string

      The username or handle of the author.

    • authorProfileLink string

      The URL to the author's profile.

  • content string

    The text content of the post.

  • content_markdown string

    The text content of the post in markdown format - Escaped for JSON format

  • media array

    A list of media files attached to the post.

    Items object
    • mediaType string

      The type of media (e.g., image, video).

    • mediaUrl string

      The URL to the media file.

    • mediaDescription string

      A description of the media content.

  • postLink string

    The URL to the original post.

  • postedAt string

    The timestamp when the post was made.

  • engagement object

    Engagement metrics for the post.

    • likes number

      The number of likes the post has received.

    • comments number

      The number of comments the post has received.

    • shares number

      The number of times the post has been shared or retweeted.

    • views number

      The number of views the post or media content has received.

  • hashtags array

    A list of hashtags included in the post.

    Items string
    Items string
  • comments array
    Items object
    • commentId string

      The unique identifier for the comment.

    • commentAuthor object

      Information about the author of the comment.

      • authorId string

        The unique identifier for the comment author.

      • authorName string

        The name of the comment author.

      • authorUsername string

        The username or handle of the comment author.

      • authorProfileLink string

        The URL to the comment author's profile.

    • commentContent string

      The text content of the comment.

    • commentTimestamp string

      The timestamp when the comment was made.

    • commentEngagement object

      Engagement metrics for the comment.

      • likes number

        The number of likes the comment has received.

      • replies number

        The number of replies the comment has received.

  • mentions array

    A list of users mentioned in the post.

    Items object
    • mentionId string

      The unique identifier for the mentioned user.

    • mentionName string

      The name of the mentioned user.

    • mentionUsername string

      The username or handle of the mentioned user.

    • mentionProfileLink string

      The URL to the mentioned user's profile.