Search Engine Results Extraction Schema

This model has been tailored based on customer feedback and usage. If you need a specific model and enough generalist, you can contact us on the support link below. If some fields are missing, you can also contact us to add them.

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SearchEngineResults object
  • query string

    The search query that was used to generate the results.

  • totalResults number

    The total number of results returned by the search engine.

  • results array

    A list of search results.

    Items object
    • title string

      The title of the search result.

    • url string

      The URL of the search result.

    • snippet string

      A short description or snippet of the search result.

    • displayUrl string

      The display version of the URL, as shown in the search result.

    • publishDate string

      The publication date of the search result, if available.

    • richSnippet object

      Structured data or rich snippet information provided with the search result.

      • type string

        The type of rich snippet (e.g., review, recipe, article).

      • details string

        Details of the rich snippet, which may include ratings, author, etc.

  • ads array

    A list of advertisements that appeared in the search results.

    Items object
    • title string

      The title of the ad.

    • url string

      The URL of the ad.

    • snippet string

      A short description or snippet of the ad.

    • displayUrl string

      The display version of the URL, as shown in the ad.

  • pages array

    A list of pages available in the search results.

    Items object
    • pageNumber number

      The number of the page in the search results.

    • pageUrl string

      The URL of the specific page in the search results.

  • nextPage object

    The next page available in the search results.

    • nextUrl string

      The URL of the next page in the search results.

  • associatedSearches array

    Related search queries that users might be interested in.

    Items string
    Items string
  • geolocationWidget object

    Geolocation information including a list of addresses.

    • addresses array

      A list of addresses associated with the location.

      Items object
      • addressLine1 string

        The first line of the address.

      • addressLine2 string

        The second line of the address, if any.

      • city string

        The city of the address.

      • state string

        The state or region of the address.

      • postalCode string

        The postal code of the address.

      • country string

        The country of the address.

  • socialAccounts array

    A list of social media accounts associated with the entity.

    Items object
    • platform string

      The social media platform (e.g., Twitter, LinkedIn).

    • url string

      The URL to the social media account.

  • informationWidget object

    A generic widget to hold key-value pairs of information.

    • data array
      Items object
      • key string

        The key or label of the information.

      • value string

        The value associated with the key.