Review List Extraction Schema

This model has been tailored based on customer feedback and usage. If you need a specific model and enough generalist, you can contact us on the support link below. If some fields are missing, you can also contact us to add them.

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Review List Schema object
  • url string

    URL of the review page

  • paginationNext object

    Next page in pagination

    • url string

      URL of the next page

    • text string

      Text for the next page link

  • paginationPrevious object

    Previous page in pagination

    • url string

      URL of the previous page

    • text string

      Text for the previous page link

  • reviews array

    List of reviews

    Items object
    • title string

      Title of the review

    • content string

      Content of the review

    • author_name string

      Author's name

    • rating number

      Rating given by the reviewer

    • sentiment string

      COMPUTE: Sentiment of the review based on the content field and the rating field.

    • sentiment_probability number

      COMPUTE: Probability of the sentiment field from 0 to 1 with 2 decimal places

    • date_published_formatted string

      Formatted date of publication

    • date_published_raw string

      Raw date of publication

    • verified ["boolean","null"]

      Indicates if the review is verified, set to null if not verified

  • rating object

    Aggregation data for the reviews

    • total number

      Number of reviews

    • average number

      Average rating

    • best number

      Best rating

    • worst number

      Worst rating