Product Extraction Schema

This model has been tailored based on customer feedback and usage. If you need a specific model and enough generalist, you can contact us on the support link below. If some fields are missing, you can also contact us to add them.

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product_schema object
  • name string

    The name of the product

  • main_category string

    The main category of the product

  • secondary_category [string, null]

    The secondary category of the product

  • delivery [string, null]

    Estimated delivery information, can be any open text such as a date range or delivery time (e.g., '5 Sept - 9 Sept', '2 days')

  • offers [array, null]

    List of offers for the product

    Items object
    • price number

      Price of the offer

    • currency string

      Currency of the price ISO3

    • regular_price [number, null]

      Regular price of the offer

    • availability string

      Availability status of the offer

  • sizes [array, null]

    List of size attributes for the product, such as width, height, depth, etc.

    Items object
    • attribute string

      Name of the size attribute, e.g., width, height, depth, diameter, etc.

    • value number

      Numerical value of the size attribute

    • unit string

      Unit of the size attribute, e.g., cm, in

  • related_products [array, null]

    List of related products

    Items object
    • name string

      Name of the related product

    • images [array, null]

      Images of the product (carousel, slideshow, etc.). Most of the time the image description is the same as the product name

      Items object
      • url string

        URL of the image

    • link string

      Link to the related product

    • price object

      The price of the product, including amount, currency, and raw value. If there is an amount but you do not find the currency, you must use the main offer currency

      • amount number

        The numerical value of the product price.

      • currency string

        The currency code ISO3 of the product price (e.g., USD, EUR). If there is an amount but you do not find the currency, you must use the main offer currency

      • raw string

        The raw, non-transformed price data as originally listed.

    • description string

      Description of the related product

    • availability string

      Availability status of the related product

  • identifiers object

    Identifiers for the product

    • sku string

      Extract the unique alphanumeric string fitting the above description, often preceded by labels like "SKU:", "Item Number:", or "Product Code:". Ensure no spaces and include any hyphens or separators. An SKU is not a URL

    • mpn [string, null]

      Manufacturer Part Number

    • isbn10 [string, null]


    • isbn13 [string, null]


    • issn [string, null]

      International Standard Serial Number

    • ean13 [string, null]

      European Article Number (EAN-13)

    • upc [string, null]

      Universal Product Code

    • ismn [string, null]

      International Standard Music Number

    • gtin8 [string, null]

      Global Trade Item Number (GTIN-8)

    • gtin14 [string, null]

      Global Trade Item Number (GTIN-14)

  • brand string

    Brand of the product

  • breadcrumbs [array, null]

    Breadcrumbs for navigation

    Items object
    • name string

      Name of the breadcrumb

    • link string

      Link of the breadcrumb

  • main_image [string, null]

    URL of the main image of the product - Most of the time the first image in the image carousel or the image list

  • images [array, null]

    Product images list

    Items object
    • url string

      URL of the image

  • description_markdown string

    Description of the product in markdown format - escaped for JSON format

  • description string

    Description of the product in text format

  • specifications [array, null]

    List of specifications

    Items object
    • name string

      Name of the specification

    • value string

      Value of the specification

  • aggregate_rating [object, null]

    Aggregate rating of the product

    • rating_value number

      Rating value

    • best_rating number

      Best rating possible

    • review_count integer

      Number of reviews

  • color [string, null]

    Color of the product

  • size [string, null]

    Size of the product

  • style [string, null]

    Style of the product

  • variants [array, null]

    List of variants of the product

    Items object
    • offers array

      Offers for the variant

      Items object
      • price object

        The price of the product, including amount, currency, and raw value. If there is an amount but you do not find the currency, you must use the main offer currency

        • amount number

          The numerical value of the product price.

        • currency string

          The currency ISO code of the product price (e.g., USD, EUR). If there is an amount but you do not find the currency, you must use the main offer currency

        • raw string

          The raw, non-transformed price data as originally listed.

      • availability string

        Availability status

    • color string

      Color of the variant

    • url string

      URL of the variant product

    • sku string

      Extract the unique alphanumeric string fitting the above description, often preceded by labels like "SKU:", "Item Number:", or "Product Code:". Ensure no spaces and include any hyphens or separators. An SKU is not a URL

  • canonical_url [string, null]

    Canonical URL of the product - the current URL of the product page

  • url string

    URL of the product page

  • bidding object

    Bidding details for the product if the the sales is by bid

    • current_bid number

      The current highest bid on the product

    • currency string

      Currency of the current bid (ISO3 format, e.g., USD, GBP, EUR)

    • bid_increment number

      The minimum amount required to outbid the current highest bid

    • minimum_bid [number, null]

      The minimum bid required to participate, or null if not applicable

    • reserve_price_met boolean

      Indicates whether the seller's reserve price has been met

    • auction_end_time string

      Timestamp for when the auction ends in ISO 8601 format

    • total_bids integer

      The total number of bids placed on the product

    • watchers integer

      Number of users watching the auction

    • status string

      Status of bid