Food Recipe Extraction Schema

This model has been tailored based on customer feedback and usage. If you need a specific model and enough generalist, you can contact us on the support link below. If some fields are missing, you can also contact us to add them.

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Food Recipe object
  • @context string

    The context URL for the schema.

  • @type string

    The type of the entity.

  • title string

    The name of the recipe.

  • mainImage string

    The main image url of the finished dish.

  • images array

    A list of additional images url for the recipe.

    Items string
    Items string
  • video string

    A video url of the recipe.

  • recipeTags array

    Tags or badges associated with the recipe.

    Items string
    Items string
  • author object
    • name string

      The name of the author of the recipe.

  • datePublished string

    The date the recipe was published.

  • recipeDescription string

    A description of the recipe.

  • prepTime string

    The length of time it takes to prepare the dish.

  • cookTime string

    The length of time it takes to cook the dish.

  • totalTime string

    The total time required for the recipe.

  • recipeServingSize integer

    The number of servings the recipe makes.

  • recipeIngredients array

    A list of ingredients used in the recipe with quantities and units.

    Items object
    • ingredientName string

      The name of the ingredient.

    • quantity number

      The quantity of the ingredient.

    • unit string

      The unit of measurement for the quantity.

    • image string

      The image url of the ingredient.

  • recipeInstructions array

    A list of steps to take in preparing the dish.

    Items object
    • order integer

      Order of the step in the recipe.

    • text string

      A step in the recipe instructions.

    • image array

      A list of images url representing the step.

      Items string
      Items string
  • stencilList array

    A list of required stencils for the recipe.

    Items string
    Items string
  • aggregateRating object
    • ratingValue number

      The average rating given based on user reviews.

    • reviewCount number

      The number of reviews.

  • comments array

    A list of comments for the recipe.

    Items object
    • authorName string

      The name of the person who wrote the comment.

    • commentContent string

      The content of the comment.

    • datePublished string

      The date the comment was published.

  • review array

    A list of reviews for the recipe.

    Items object
    • author object
      • reviewerName string

        The name of the person who wrote the review.

    • datePublished string

      The date the review was published.

    • reviewBody string

      The text of the review.

    • reviewRating object
      • ratingValue number

        The rating given in this review.