Event Extraction Schema

This model has been tailored based on customer feedback and usage. If you need a specific model and enough generalist, you can contact us on the support link below. If some fields are missing, you can also contact us to add them.

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Event object
  • eventTitle string

    The title of the event.

  • dateAndTime string

    The date and time when the event will take place.

  • location string

    The location where the event will be held.

  • description string

    A detailed description of the event.

  • organizer object

    Information about the organizer of the event.

    • name string

      The name of the organizer.

    • profileLink string

      A link to the organizer's profile.

  • tags array

    A list of tags associated with the event.

    Items string
    Items string
  • ticketInfo object

    Information about the tickets for the event.

    • type string

      The type of ticket (e.g., General Admission, VIP).

    • price [object, null]

      The price of the ticket.

      • amount [number, null]

        The price amount of the ticket.

      • currency [string, null]

        The currency ISO3 of the ticket price (e.g., USD, EUR).

    • availability string

      The availability status of the ticket (e.g., Available, Sold Out).

  • eventLink string

    A link to the event page.