Article Extraction Schema

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Article Schema object
  • url string

    URL of the article

  • headline string

    Headline of the article

  • date_published string

    Published date of the article

  • date_published_raw string

    Raw published date of the article

  • date_modified string

    Modified date of the article

  • date_modified_raw string

    Raw modified date of the article

  • author string

    Author of the article

  • authors_list array

    List of authors

    Items object
    • author_name string

      Name of the author

  • language string

    Language of the article (ISO 639 code)

  • breadcrumbs array

    Breadcrumbs for navigation

    Items object
    • name string

      Name of the breadcrumb

    • link string

      Link of the breadcrumb

  • main_image string

    URL of the main image

  • images array

    List of image URLs

    Items object
    • image_url string

      URL of the image

  • guessed_topics array

    List of guessed topics

    Items string
    Items string
  • sentiment string

    Sentiment of the article

  • sentiment_probability number

    Probability of the sentiment from 0 to 1

  • description string

    Description of the article

  • article_body string

    Body of the article, with markdown links text only and spacing, punctuation fixed

  • article_body_html string

    HTML body of the article

  • video_urls array

    List of video URLs

    Items object
    • video_url string

      URL of the video

  • audio_urls array

    List of audio URLs

    Items object
    • audio_url string

      URL of the audio

  • related_articles array

    List of related articles

    Items object
    • headline string

      Headline of the related article

    • description string

      Description of the related article

    • url string

      URL of the related article

  • canonical_url string

    Canonical URL of the article