How to Scrape Algolia Search

How to Scrape Algolia Search

Algolia powers the search systems of many popular websites on the web, which makes it a popular web scraping target.

In this web scraping tutorial, we'll take a look at how to scrape Algolia search using Python. We'll take a look at a real-life example of - a web database of software metadata and recommendations. Through this example, we'll see how Algolia works and how we can write a generic web scraper to scrape data from any Algolia-powered website.

Project Setup

We'll be using a couple of Python packages for web scraping:

  • httpx as our HTTP client.
  • parsel as our HTML parser (only used in the bonus chapter)

Both of which can be installed through pip console command:

$ pip install httpx parsel

What is Algolia?

Algolia offers a search indexing API service, so any website can implement a search system with very little back-end effort.

It's excellent for web scraping as we can write a generic scraper that applies to any website using Algolia. In this tutorial, we'll do just that!

Creating Search Engine for any Website using Web Scraping

If you'd like to learn how to build your own system like Algolia, with a little bit of Python, Javascript, and web-scraping check out our introduction tutorial to building search engines via web scraping!

Creating Search Engine for any Website using Web Scraping

To write our scraper, we need to understand how Algolia works. For this, let's start with our real-life example

If we go to this website and type something into the search box, we can see a backend request is being sent to Algolia's API:

Using browser devtools interface (F12 key) we can see a background POST-type request being made when submit our search

The first thing we notice is the URL itself - it contains a few secret keys like the application name and the API token, as well as sends JSON document with our query details:

screengrab of network inspector when searching Algolia

Now that we know this, we can replicate this behavior in Python rather easily:

from urllib.parse import urlencode
import httpx

params = {
    "x-algolia-agent": "Algolia for JavaScript (4.13.1); Browser (lite)",
    "x-algolia-api-key": "88489cdf3a8fbfe07a2f607bf1568330",
    "x-algolia-application-id": "ZIDPNS2VB0",
search_url = "" + urlencode(params)
search_data = {
    # for more see:
    "query": "Spotify",
    "page": 1,
    "distinct": True,
    "hitsPerPage": 20,
response =, json=search_data)

We got the first page of the results as well as pagination metadata which we can use to retrieve the remaining pages concurrently. For this, let's use asynchronous programming to download all of the pages concurrently at blazing fast speeds:

import asyncio
import json
from typing import List
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import httpx

params = {
    "x-algolia-agent": "Algolia for JavaScript (4.13.1); Browser (lite)",
    "x-algolia-api-key": "88489cdf3a8fbfe07a2f607bf1568330",
    "x-algolia-application-id": "ZIDPNS2VB0",
search_url = "" + urlencode(params)

async def scrape_search(query: str) -> List[dict]:
    search_data = {
        # for more see:
        "query": query,
        "page": 1,
        "distinct": True,
        "hitsPerPage": 20,
    async with httpx.AsyncClient(timeout=httpx.Timeout(30.0)) as session:
        # scrape first page for total number of pages
        response_first_page = await, json=search_data)
        data_first_page = response_first_page.json()

        results = data_first_page["hits"]
        total_pages = data_first_page["nbPages"]
        # scrape remaining pages concurrently
        other_pages = [
  , json={**search_data, "page": i})
            for i in range(2, total_pages + 1)
        for response_page in asyncio.as_completed(other_pages):
            page_data = (await response_page).json()
        return results


This short scraper we wrote above will work with any Algolia-powered search system! To test this out, you can practice on some popular Algolia-powered websites:

Bonus: Finding Tokens

In our scraper, we simply hardcoded Algolia API and web app keys we found in our network inspector and while they are unlikely to change often, we might want to discover them programmatically if we're building a high uptime real-time web scraper.

Since Algolia is a front-end plugin, all of the required keys can be found somewhere in the HTML or javascript body. For example, the keys could be placed in hidden <input> nodes or in javascript resources as variables.

With a little bit of parsing magic and pattern matching, we can try to extract these keys:

import re
from urllib.parse import urljoin

import httpx
from parsel import Selector

    "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.94 Safari/537.36",
    "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
    "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8",
    "Connection": "keep-alive",
    "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.9,lt;q=0.8,et;q=0.7,de;q=0.6",

def search_keyword_variables(html: str):
    """Look for Algolia keys in javascript keyword variables"""
    variables = re.findall(r'(\w*algolia\w*?):"(.+?)"', html, re.I)
    api_key = None
    app_id = None
    for key, value in variables:
        key = key.lower()
        if len(value) == 32 and"search_api_key|search_key|searchkey", key):
            api_key = value
        if len(value) == 10 and"application_id|appid|app_id", key):
            app_id = value
        if api_key and app_id:
            print(f"found algolia details: {app_id=}, {api_key=}")
            return app_id, api_key

def search_positional_variables(html: str):
    """Look for Algolia keys in javascript position variables"""
    found = re.findall(r'"(\w{10}|\w{32})"\s*,\s*"(\w{10}|\w{32})"', html)
    return sorted(found[0], reverse=True) if found else None

def find_algolia_keys(url):
    """Scrapes url and embedded javascript resources and scans for Algolia APP id and API key"""
    response = httpx.get(url, headers=HEADERS)
    sel = Selector(response.text)

    # 1. Search in input fields:
    app_id = sel.css("input[name*=search_api_key]::attr(value)").get()
    search_key = sel.css("input[name*=search_app_id]::attr(value)").get()
    if app_id and search_key:
        print(f"found algolia details in hidden inputs {app_id=} {search_key=}")
        return {
            "x-algolia-application-id": app_id,
            "x-algolia-api-key": search_key,
    # 2. Search in website scripts:
    scripts = sel.xpath("//script/@src").getall()
    # prioritize scripts with keywords such as "app-" which are more likely to contain environment keys:
    _script_priorities = ["app", "settings"]
    scripts = sorted(scripts, key=lambda script: any(key in script for key in _script_priorities), reverse=True)
    print(f"found {len(scripts)} script files that could contain algolia details")
    for script in scripts:
        print("looking for algolia details in script: {script}", script=script)
        resp = httpx.get(urljoin(url, script), headers=HEADERS)
        if found := search_keyword_variables(resp.text):
            return {
                "x-algolia-application-id": found[0],
                "x-algolia-api-key": found[1],
        if found := search_positional_variables(resp.text):
            return {
                "x-algolia-application-id": found[0],
                "x-algolia-api-key": found[1],
    print(f"could not find algolia keys in {len(scripts)} script details")

## input
## kw variables
## positional variables

In the scraping algorithm above, we are scanning the main page for Algolia API keys which might be located in:

  • Javascript keyword variables in script files used by the website.
  • Positional javascript variables as we know that Algolia web ids are 10 characters long and API keys are 32 character long.
  • Input forms that are hidden in the page HTML.

This algorithm should be a good start for finding Algolia keys without hands-on effort!

Avoiding Blocking with ScrapFly

While Algolia is easy to scrape, the websites that implement Algolia search often block web scrapers.

scrapfly middleware

ScrapFly provides web scraping, screenshot, and extraction APIs for data collection at scale.

Let's take a look at what our scraper would look like using Scrapfly SDK, which can be installed through pip console command:

$ pip install scrapfly-sdk

For our code, all we have to do is replace the httpx bits with ScrapFly-SDK:

import asyncio
import json
from typing import List
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from scrapfly import ScrapflyClient, ScrapeConfig

params = {
    "x-algolia-agent": "Algolia for JavaScript (4.13.1); Browser (lite)",
    "x-algolia-api-key": "88489cdf3a8fbfe07a2f607bf1568330",
    "x-algolia-application-id": "ZIDPNS2VB0",
search_url = "" + urlencode(params)

async def scrape_search(query: str) -> List[dict]:
    search_data = {
        # for more see:
        "query": query,
        "page": 1,
        "distinct": True,
        "hitsPerPage": 20,
    with ScrapflyClient(key="YOUR_SCRAPFLY_KEY", max_concurrency=2) as client:
        # scrape first page for total number of pages
        first_page = client.scrape(
                headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"},
                # note we can enalb optional features like:
                asp=True,  # enable Anti Scraping Proteciton Bypass
                country="US",  # we can select any country for our IP address
        data_first_page = json.loads(first_page.content)

        results = data_first_page["hits"]
        total_pages = data_first_page["nbPages"]
        # scrape remaining pages concurrently
        async for result in client.concurrent_scrape(
                    data={**search_data, "page": i}, 
                    headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}
                    # note we can enalb optional features like:
                    asp=True,  # enable Anti Scraping Proteciton Bypass
                    country="US",  # we can select any country for our IP address
                for i in range(2, total_pages + 1)
            data = json.loads(result.content)
        return results


By replacing httpx with scrapfly SDK we can scrape all of the pages without being blcoked or throttled.


Let's wrap this article with a few frequently asked questions about scraping Algolia search:

What causes "Expecting value (near 1:1)" error?

This error is cause when our POST request's search body is incorrectly formatted (should be a valid json) or the Content-Type header is missing or incorrect when it should be set to application/json.

What causes "{"message":"indexName is not valid","status":400}" error?

Some websites use multiple indexes, and the queried one needs to be specified explicitly through the request body's "IndexName" keyword argument. Just like other details, we can see it in our devtools network inspector (F12 key). This value is unlikely to change, so we can code it into your web scraper.


In this brief tutorial, we've taken a look at scraping Algolia embedded search systems. We wrote a quick scraper for that scraped all search results concurrently. We wrapped our tutorial up by taking a look at basic token scanning to find those Algolia API keys and how to avoid being blocked with ScrapFly SDK.

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