
Web Scraping with Playwright and JavaScript

Learn about Playwright - a browser automation toolkit for server side Javascript like NodeJS, Deno or Bun.

Guide to SeleniumBase — A Better & Easier Selenium

SeleniumBase streamlines browser automation with simple syntax, cross-browser support, and robust features, perfect for testing and web scraping.

Playwright vs Selenium

Explore the key differences between Playwright vs Selenium in terms of performance, web scraping, and automation testing for modern web applications.

What is a Headless Browser? Top 5 Headless Browser Tools

Quick overview of new emerging tech of browser automation - what exactly are these tools and how are they used in web scraping?

How To Take Screenshots In Python?

Learn how to take Python screenshots through Selenium and Playwright, including common browser tips and tricks for customizing web page captures.

Web Scraping With Cloud Browsers

Introduction cloud browsers and their benefits and a step-by-step setup with self-hosted Selenium-grid cloud browsers.