Web Scraping With Go
Learn web scraping with Golang, from native HTTP requests and HTML parsing to a step-by-step guide to using Colly, the Go web crawling package.
Image scraping is becoming an increasingly popular data harvesting technique used in many applications like AI training and data classification. Making image scraping an essential skill in many data extraction projects.
In this guide, we'll explore how to scrape images from websites using different scraping methods. We'll also cover the most common image scraping challenges like how to find hidden images, handle javascript loading and how to handle all of that in Python. This guide should cover everything you need to know about image data harvesting!
When images are uploaded to websites, they're saved on the web server as static files with an unique URL address. Websites use these links to render images on the web page.
Generally, image links are found within img
HTML element's src
<img src="https://www.domain.com/image.jpg" alt="Image description">
The src
attribute refers to the image link and the alt
attribute refers to the image description.
Websites can also change the image resolution and dimensions based on the user's device and display resolution. For this, srcset
attribute is used:
<img srcset="image-small.jpg 320w, image-medium.jpg 640w, image-large.jpg 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 50vw" alt="Image description">
Above, the website stores different image resolutions for the same image for optimal browsing experience.
So, when web scraping for images, we'll mostly be looking for img
tags and their src
or srcset
attributes. Let's take a look at it.
In this guide, we'll scrape images from different websites that represent different image scraping challenges. For that, we'll use multiple Python libraries that can be installed using pip
terminal command:
pip install httpx playwright beautifulsoup4 cssutils jmespath asyncio numpy pillow
We'll use httpx
for sending requests and playwright
for running headless browsers. BeautifulSoup
for parsing HTML, cssutils
for parsing CSS and JMESPath
for searching in JSON. Finally, we'll use asyncio
for asynchronous web scraping, numpy
and pillow
for scraped image manipulation and cleanup.
Let's start with a basic image scraper using Python. We'll be using httpx
for sending requests and BeautifulSoup
for parsing HTML, scrape some HTML pages and extract the image data from web-scraping.dev website.
To scrape images, we'll first scrape the HTML pages and use Beautifulsoup
parse for img
elements that contain image URLs in either src
or srcset
attributes. Then the binary image data can be scraped just like any other HTTP resource using HTTP clients like httpx
To apply this approach, let's write a short Python images crawler that collects all product images (all 4 paging pages) from web-scraping.dev/products website:
This website has multiple product pages, so let's try to grab all of them.
For that, we'll create a web crawler that:
for img
attributes that contain direct image URLs.Then, we'll use httpx
to GET request each image URL and download the images:
import httpx
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# 1. Find image links on the website
image_links = []
# Scrape the first 4 pages
for page in range(4):
url = f"https://web-scraping.dev/products?page={page}"
response = httpx.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
for image_box in soup.select("div.row.product"):
result = {
"link": image_box.select_one("img").attrs["src"],
"title": image_box.select_one("h3").text,
# Append each image and title to the result array
# 2. Download image objects
for image_object in image_links:
# Create a new .png image file
with open(f"./images/{image_object['title']}.png", "wb") as file:
image = httpx.get(image_object["link"])
# Save the image binary data into the file
print(f"Image {image_object['title']} has been scraped")
from scrapfly import ScrapeConfig, ScrapflyClient, ScrapeApiResponse
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
scrapfly = ScrapflyClient(key="Your API key")
image_links = []
for page in range(4):
url = f"https://web-scraping.dev/products?page={page}"
api_response: ScrapeApiResponse = scrapfly.scrape(
soup = BeautifulSoup(api_response.scrape_result["content"], "html.parser")
for image_box in soup.select("div.row.product"):
result = {
"link": image_box.select_one("img").attrs["src"],
"title": image_box.select_one("h3").text,
for image_object in image_links:
# Scrape images in the array using each image link
scrape_config = ScrapeConfig(url=image_object["link"])
api_response: ScrapeApiResponse = scrapfly.scrape(scrape_config)
# Download the image to the images directory and give each a name
scrapfly.sink(api_response, name=image_object["title"], path="./images")
print(f"Image {image_object['title']} has been scraped")
We use CSS selectors to extract the title and image URL of each product box and append them to the image_links
list. Then, we iterate over this list and create a PNG file for each image with the product title as the image name. Next, we send a GET request to each image URL and save the image binary data.
Here is the result we got:
Cool! Our python web crawler downloaded all images and saved them into the output folder with the product title as the image name.
Our example Python image scraper was pretty straightforward. However, real-life image scraping images isn't always easy. Next, let's take a look at some common image scraping challenges.
Background images are images embedded into CSS style rules. This means that the actual image URLs can't be found in the HTML. For example, this webpage has a background image:
We can see the image clearly on the web page, but we can't find the actual img
tag in the HTML. However, it's found in the CSS under the background-image
property. In a CSS file overview.css
. So, to scrape this image, we need to scrape this CSS file and extract the image URL from there.
First, to get the the CSS file link address we can use the same devtools explorer and right-click on the CSS file name:
Now we can scrape this CSS file and parse it using cssutils
to extract the background image URL:
import httpx
import cssutils
css_url = "https://www.apple.com/mideast/mac/home/bu/styles/overview.css"
r = httpx.get(css_url)
css_content = r.text
# Parse the CSS content
sheet = cssutils.parseString(css_content)
image_links = []
# Find all rules containing background images
for rule in sheet:
if rule.type == rule.STYLE_RULE:
for property in rule.style:
# Get all background-image properties
if property.name == "background-image" and property.value != "none":
result = {
"link": "https://www.apple.com" + property.value[4:-1],
"title": property.value[4:-1].split('/')[-1]
for image_object in image_links:
with open(f"./images/{image_object['title']}", "wb") as file:
image = httpx.get(image_object["link"])
print(f"Image {image_object['title']} has been scraped")
Here, we loop through all style rules in the CSS sheet and search for all properties with the name background-image
. Then, we extract all image links using the property value and append the result into an array. Finally, we use httpx
to download all images using each image link.
Here is the background image scraper result:
We successfully scraped all background images from this web page. Let's move on to the next image scraping challenge.
Split images are multiple images grouped together to create one image. This type of image appears as one image but it consists of smaller images in the page HTML.
For example, the following image on this behance.net web page consists of multiple images combined vertically:
To scrape this image as it appears on this webpage, we'll scrape all the images and combine them vertically.
First, let's start with the image scraping:
import httpx
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# any URL to behance gallery page
url = "https://www.behance.net/gallery/148609445/Vector-Illustrations-Negative-Space"
request = httpx.get(url)
index = 0
image_links = []
soup = BeautifulSoup(request.text, "html.parser")
for image_box in soup.select("div.ImageElement-root-kir"):
index += 1
result = {
"link": image_box.select_one("img").attrs["src"],
"title": str(index) + ".png"
# Scrape the first 4 images only
if index == 4:
for image_object in image_links:
with open(f"./images/{image_object['title']}", "wb") as file:
image = httpx.get(image_object["link"])
print(f"Image {image_object['title']} has been scraped")
The above image scraping code allows us to scrape the first 4 images on this webpage. Next, we'll combine the images we got vertically using numpy
and pillow
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
list_images = ["1.png", "2.png", "3.png", "4.png"]
images = [Image.open(f"./images/{image}") for image in list_images]
min_width, min_height = min((i.size for i in images))
# Resize and convert images to 'RGB' color mode
images_resized = [i.resize((min_width, min_height)).convert("RGB") for i in images]
# Create a vertical stack of images
imgs_comb = np.vstack([np.array(i) for i in images_resized])
# Create a PIL image from the numpy array
imgs_comb = Image.fromarray(imgs_comb)
# Save the concatenated image
Here is the split image scraper result:
Hidden Hidden web data are data loaded into the web page using JavaScript. Which are found in JavaScript script
tags in JSON format.
For example, if we take a look at this lyst.com webpage, we can find the image links in the HTML:
Let's try to scrape these image links like we did earlier:
import httpx
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
request = httpx.get('https://www.lyst.com/')
soup = BeautifulSoup(request.text, "html.parser")
for i in soup.select("a.ysyxK"):
By running this code, we got this output:
We can see that we got base64-encoded data instead of the actual URLs.
These values are placeholders until page javascript inserts real images on page load. Since our image scraper doesn't have a web browser with javascript engine, this image load process couldn't happen. There are two ways to approach this:
Since headless browsers are expensive and slow let's give the latter approach a shot. In this example, we can find these image URLs in the script
So we can scrape this HTML and find this particular <script>
element for the product data JSON which contains product images.
To find image URLs in the JSON datasets we'll be using Jmespath which is a Python package for parsing JSON. We'll use it to search for image URLs in the script
tag. Then, we'll scrape images by sending requests to each image URL like we did before. Here is how:
import httpx
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import json
import jmespath
import re
request = httpx.get("https://www.lyst.com/")
soup = BeautifulSoup(request.text, "html.parser")
script_tag = soup.select_one("script[data-hypernova-key=HomepageLayout]").text
# Extract JSON data from the HTML
data_match = re.search(r"<!--(.*?)-->", script_tag, re.DOTALL)
data = data_match.group(1).strip()
# Select the image data dictionary
json_data = json.loads(data)["layoutData"]["homepage_breakout_brands"]
# JMESPath search expressions
expression = {
"designer_images": "designer_links[*].{image_url: image_url, image_alt: image_alt}",
"top_dc_images": "top_dc_links[*].{image_url: image_url, image_alt: image_alt}",
"bottom_dc_images": "bottom_dc_links[*].{image_url: image_url, image_alt: image_alt}",
# Use JMESPath to extract the values
designer_images = jmespath.search(expression["designer_images"], json_data)
top_dc_images = jmespath.search(expression["top_dc_images"], json_data)
bottom_dc_images = jmespath.search(expression["bottom_dc_images"], json_data)
image_links = designer_images + top_dc_images + bottom_dc_images
for image_object in image_links:
with open(f"./images/{image_object['image_alt']}.jpg", "wb") as file:
image = httpx.get(image_object["image_url"])
print(f"Image {image_object['image_alt']} has been scraped")
Here, we use regex
to extract the JSON data from the HTML. Then, we load the data into a JSON object and search for image links and titles using JMESPath. Finally, we download the images using httpx
Here is the hidden image scraper result:
Many websites use JavaScript to render images as it makes the image process appear more smooth and dynamic. For example, let's take a look at the Van Gogh gallery:
This website doesn't only render images using JavaScript, but also uses scrolling down to render more images. Which makes it even harder to scrape images. For that, we'll use Playwright to scroll down and render more images and scrape images using httpx
import asyncio
from playwright.async_api import async_playwright
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import httpx
from typing import List
# Scrape all image links
async def scrape_image_links():
# Intitialize an async playwright instance
async with async_playwright() as playwight:
# Launch a chrome headless browser
browser = await playwight.chromium.launch(headless=False)
page = await browser.new_page()
await page.goto("https://www.vangoghmuseum.nl/en/collection")
await page.mouse.wheel(0, 500)
await page.wait_for_load_state("networkidle")
# parse product links from HTML
page_content = await page.content()
image_links = []
soup = BeautifulSoup(page_content, "html.parser")
for image_box in soup.select("div.collection-art-object-list-item"):
result = {
"link": image_box.select_one("img")
.split(" ")[0],
"title": image_box.select_one("img").attrs["alt"],
return image_links
image_links = asyncio.run(scrape_image_links())
async def scrape_images(image_links: List):
client = httpx.AsyncClient()
for image_object in image_links:
with open(f"./images/{image_object['title']}.jpg", "wb") as file:
image = await client.get(image_object["link"])
print(f"Image {image_object['title']} has been scraped")
Here we use the mouse.wheel
method to simulate a scrolling down, then we wait for the page to load before parsing the HTML. Next, we select the highest image resolution from the data-srcest
attribute and return the results. Finally, we scrape all images using async requests.
Here is the dynamic image scraper result:
Although we scraped dynamically loaded images, running headless browsers consumes resources and takes a lot of time. Let's take a look at a better solution!
Web scraping images can be often quite straight-forward but scaling up such scraping operations can be difficult and this is where Scrapfly can lend a hand!
ScrapFly provides web scraping, screenshot, and extraction APIs for data collection at scale.
Here is how you can scrape the above dynamically loaded images using ScrapFly:
from scrapfly import ScrapeConfig, ScrapflyClient, ScrapeApiResponse
scrapfly = ScrapflyClient(key="Your API key")
api_response: ScrapeApiResponse = scrapfly.scrape(
# Activate the JavaScript rendering feature to render images
# Auto scroll down the page
selector = api_response.selector
image_links = []
# Use the built-in selectors to parse the HTML
for image_box in selector.css("div.collection-art-object-list-item"):
result = {
"link": image_box.css("img")
.split(" ")[0],
"title": image_box.css("img").attrib["alt"],
for image_object in image_links:
scrape_config = ScrapeConfig(url=image_object["link"])
# Scrape each image link
api_response: ScrapeApiResponse = scrapfly.scrape(scrape_config)
# Download the image binary data
api_response, name=image_object["title"], path="./images"
Using the render_js
and the auto_scroll
features, we can easily render JavaScript content and scroll down the page.
To wrap up this image scraping guide, let's take a look at some frequently asked questions.
Image scraping works by parsing the HTML to get image URLs and sending HTTP requests to the image URLs to download them.
Dynamic content on websites works by loading the data into HTML using JavaScript. For that, you need to scrape image URLs using a headless browser and download them using an HTTP client.
To scrape all images from websites, first the images have to be discovered through web crawling then the usual image scraping process can be applied. For more on crawling, see Crawling With Python introduction.
Image data can be extracted from img
HTML elements using selectors like CSS and XPath with parsing libraries like BeautifulSoup.
In this guide, we've taken an in-depth look at web scraping for images using Python. In summary, image scraping is about parsing scraped HTML pages to extract image links and downloading them using HTTP clients. We also went through the most common image-scraping challenges and how to overcome them: