cURL Knowledgebase

Proxies are essential to avoid IP address blocking and accessing restricted web pages over a specific location. Learn how to proxies with cURL.

The cURL (28) indicates a proxy connection error. This error arises when the cURL request can't connect to the proxy server.

The cURL (60) error is a common error encountered when using proxies with cURL. Learn what is the exact cause of this error and how to solve it.

Learn how to set basic authentication, bearer tokens, and cookie authentication with cURL through a step-by-step guide.

The HEAD HTTP method is used to gather information and metadata about a specific resource. Learn how to send HEAD requests with cURL.

The User-Agent header is one of the essential headers which identifies the request sender's device. Learn how to set User-Agent with cURL.

Learn how to approach parallel request execution with cURL through a step-by-step guide.

cURL offers an option to create config files for defining command options. Learn how to use them.

Redirects are a fundamental concept of the HTTP protocols, learn how to follow redirects in cURL.

cURL allows for downloading binary files using the cURL -O option.

Learn how to send cURL POST requests through common practical use cases.

Safari allows for capturing HTTP requests on web pages. Learn how to use Safari's developer tools to copy requests as cURL.

Brave allows for capturing HTTP requests on web pages. Learn how to use brave's developer tools to copy the requests as cURL.

Firefox allows for capturing HTTP requests on web pages. Learn how to use Firefox's developer tools to copy the requests as cURL.

Edge allows for capturing HTTP requests on web pages. Learn how to use Edge's developer tools to copy requests as cURL.


Provided by Scrapfly

This knowledgebase is provided by Scrapfly — a web scraping API that allows you to scrape any website without getting blocked and implements a dozens of other web scraping conveniences. Check us out 👇

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