How to download a file with Playwright and Python?

To download files using Playwright we can either find the download button/link using the locator function and then click it or we can download it using HTTP client like httpx or requests in Python:

from pathlib import Path
from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright
import httpx  # or import requests

def download_file_with_playwright():
    with sync_playwright() as pw:
        browser = pw.chromium.launch(headless=False)
        context = browser.new_context(viewport={"width": 1920, "height": 1080})

        page = context.new_page()

        # we can either click the download button using locator:
        file = page.locator('a')

        # or we can download the file manually which is more flexible and faster
        url = file.get_attribute('href')
        response = httpx.get(url)

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