How to use CSS Selectors in Nim ?

To parse web scraped content in Nim using CSS selectors we recommend the CSS3Selectors library which is designed with web scraping in mind:

import std/streams
import pkg/chame/minidom
import css3selectors

let html = """
    <!DOCTYPE html>
let document = Node(parseHtml(newStringStream(html)))
let elements = document.querySelectorAll("p:nth-child(odd)")
echo elements # @[<p>1</p>, <p>3</p>]

let htmlFragment = parseHTMLFragment("<h1 id='test'>Hello World</h1><h2>Test Test</h2>", Element())
let element = htmlFragment.querySelector("#test")
echo element # <h1 id="test">Hello World</h1>

CSS3Selectors was created to supersede nimquery which still works well for parsing HTML content in Nim if CSS3Selectors is not available:

from xmltree import `$`
from htmlparser import parseHtml
import nimquery

let html = """
<!DOCTYPE html>
let xml = parseHtml(html)
let elements = xml.querySelectorAll("p:nth-child(odd)")
echo elements
# => @[<p>1</p>, <p>3</p>]
Question tagged: Css Selectors

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