How to Scrape Real Estate Data

article feature image is a popular website for real estate ads in Germany, featuring millions of property listings across the country. However, due to its high level of protection, scraping can be challenging.

In this article, we'll explain how to scrape and avoid web scraping blocking. We'll also go over a step-by-step guide on how to scrape real estate listings from search and property pages. Let's dive in!

Latest Scraper Code

Why Scrape

Manually navigating property listings from can be a time-consuming task. Scraping automates this process, allowing for getting thousands of property listing data in no time.

Web scraping opens the door to a wide range of investing opportunities. Investors and buyers can identify properties with high potential returns by filtering through a wide set of property listings, helping them make strategic investment decisions. scraping enables buyers to tailor their property search based on specific criteria by allowing them to look for properties in a particular location, with specific facilities or within a certain price range.

Project Setup

In this guide, we'll be scraping using a few Python libraries:

  • scrapfly-sdk: A Python SDK for ScrapFly web scraping API, which allows for web scraping at scale without getting blocked.
  • parsel: For parsing the HTML using XPath and CSS selectors.

We'll also use asyncio to run our code asynchronously, allowing for increasing our web scraping speed.

Although asyncio is pre-installed in Python, install the other libraries using the following pip command:

pip install scrapfly-sdk parsel

How to Avoid Scraping Blocking? uses anti-scraping technologies that can detect and block bots from accessing the website. For example, let's try to scrape it using a simple Playwright headless browser:

from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright

with sync_playwright() as playwight:

    # Lanuch a chrome browser
    browser = playwight.chromium.launch(headless=False)
    page = browser.new_page()
    # Go to
    # Take a screenshot

By running this code, we can see that the website detected us as web scrapers, requiring us to solve a CAPTCHA challenge before proceeding to the web page:

web scraping detection on
Web scraping detection on

To bypass web scraping blocking, we'll use ScrapFly. A web scraping API that allows for scraping at scale by providing:

Here is how we can bypass any website blocking using the ScrapFly asp feature with the Python SDK:

from scrapfly import ScrapeConfig, ScrapflyClient, ScrapeApiResponse

scrapfly = ScrapflyClient(key="Your ScrapFly API key")

api_response: ScrapeApiResponse = scrapfly.scrape(
        # Cloud headless browser similar to Playwright
        # Bypass anti-scraping protection
        # Set the geographical location to Germany
# Print the website's status code

Now that we can scrape without getting blocked using ScrapFly, let's use it to scrape some real estate data!

How to Scrape Propoerty Pages?

In this section, we'll scrape property pages from Go to any property page on the website and you will get a page similar to this:

property page on
Property page on

First, we'll start by parsing the HTML using XPath and CSS selectors to get the property data from the web page:

def parse_property_page(response: ScrapeApiResponse):
    """parse property listing data from property pages"""
    def strip_text(text):
        """remove extra spaces while handling None values"""
        if text != None:
            text = text.strip()
        return text
    selector = response.selector
    property_link = selector.xpath("//link[@rel='canonical']").attrib["href"]
    title = strip_text(selector.xpath("//h1[@id='expose-title']/text()").get())
    description = selector.xpath("//meta[@name='description']").attrib["content"]
    address = selector.xpath("//div[@class='address-block']/div/span[2]/text()").get()
    floors_number = strip_text(selector.xpath("//dd[contains(@class, 'etage')]/text()").get())
    living_space = strip_text(selector.xpath("//dd[contains(@class, 'wohnflaeche')]/text()").get())
    vacant_from = strip_text(selector.xpath("//dd[contains(@class, 'bezugsfrei')]/text()").get())
    number_of_rooms = strip_text(selector.xpath("//dd[contains(@class, 'zimmer')]/text()").get())
    garage = strip_text(selector.xpath("//dd[contains(@class, 'garage-stellplatz')]/text()").get())
    additional_sepcs = []
    for spec in selector.xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'criteriagroup boolean-listing')]//span[contains(@class, 'palm-hide')]"):
    price_without_heating = strip_text(selector.xpath("//dd[contains(@class, 'kaltmiete')]/text()").get())
    price_per_meter = strip_text(selector.xpath("//dd[contains(@class, 'preism')]/text()").get())
    basic_rent = strip_text(selector.xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'kaltmiete')]/span/text()").get())
    additional_costs = strip_text(selector.xpath("//dd[contains(@class, 'nebenkosten')]/text()").extract()[1].replace("\n", ""))
    # additional_costs = selector.xpath("//dd[contains(@class, 'nebenkosten')]/text()").extract()
    heating_costs = strip_text(selector.xpath("//dd[contains(@class, 'heizkosten')]/text()").extract()[1].replace("\n", ""))
    # heating_costs = selector.xpath("//dd[contains(@class, 'heizkosten')]/text()").extract()
    total_rent = strip_text(selector.xpath("//dd[contains(@class, 'gesamtmiete')]/text()").get())
    deposit = strip_text(selector.xpath("//dd[contains(@class, 'ex-spacelink')]/div/text()").get())
    garage_parking_rent = selector.xpath("//dd[contains(@class, 'garagestellplatz')]/text()").get()
    if garage_parking_rent:
        garage_parking_rent = strip_text(garage_parking_rent)
    construction_year = strip_text(selector.xpath("//dd[contains(@class, 'baujahr')]/text()").get())
    energy_sources = strip_text(selector.xpath("//dd[contains(@class, 'wesentliche-energietraeger')]/text()").get())
    energy_certificate = strip_text(selector.xpath("//dd[@class='is24qa-energieausweis grid-item three-fifths']/text()").get())
    energy_certificate_type = strip_text(selector.xpath("//dd[contains(@class, 'energieausweis')]/text()").get())
    energy_certificate_date = strip_text(selector.xpath("//dd[contains(@class, 'baujahr-laut-energieausweis')]/text()").get())
    final_energy_requirement = strip_text(selector.xpath("//dd[contains(@class, 'endenergiebedarf')]/text()").get())
    property_images = []
    for image in selector.xpath("//div[@class='sp-slides']//div[contains(@class, 'sp-slide')]"):
            if image.xpath("./img").attrib["data-src"]:
    video_available = bool(selector.xpath("//button[contains(@class, 'gallery-video')]/text()").get())
    internet_speed = selector.xpath("//a[contains(@class, 'mediaavailcheck')]/text()").get()
    internet_available = bool(internet_speed)
    agency_name = selector.xpath("//span[@data-qa='companyName']/text()").get()
    agency_address = ""
    for text in selector.xpath("//ul[li[span[@data-qa='companyName']]]/li[position() >= 3 and position() <= 4]/text()").getall():
        agency_address = agency_address + text

    # return the data into a JSON object
    data = {
        "id": int(property_link.split("/")[-1]),
        "title": title,
        "description": description,
        "address": address,
        "propertyLlink": property_link,
        "propertySepcs": {
            "floorsNumber": floors_number,
            "livingSpace": living_space,
            "livingSpaceUnit": "Square Meter",
            "vacantFrom": vacant_from,
            "numberOfRooms": int(number_of_rooms) if number_of_rooms is not None else None,
            "Garage/parking space": garage,
            "additionalSpecs": additional_sepcs,
            "internetAvailable": internet_available,
        "price": {
                "priceWithoutHeadting": price_without_heating,
                "priceperMeter": price_per_meter,
                "additionalCosts": additional_costs,
                "heatingCosts": heating_costs,
                "totalRent": total_rent,
                "basisRent": basic_rent,
                "deposit": deposit,
                "garage/parkingRent": garage_parking_rent,
                "priceCurrency": price_without_heating.split(" ")[1],    
        "building": {
            "constructionYear": int(construction_year) if construction_year is not None else None,
            "energySources": energy_sources,
            "energyCertificate": energy_certificate,
            "energyCertificateType": energy_certificate_type,
            "energyCertificateDate": int(energy_certificate_date) if energy_certificate_date is not None else None, 
            "finalEnergyRrequirement": final_energy_requirement,
        "attachments": {
            "propertyImages": property_images,
            "videoAvailable": video_available,
        "agencyName": agency_name,
        "agencyAddress": agency_address,
    return data

This looks very complex but all we're doing is requesting the HTML page and then selecting parts of it using XPath selectors bunding all results as a final property
JSON dataset.

Introduction to XPath for HTML Parsing

For more on how HTML is parsed using XPath see our introduction tutorial which includes interactive examples!

Introduction to XPath for HTML Parsing

Next, we'll use this function with the rest of our web scraping logic to scrape property data from each page:

import asyncio
import json
from scrapfly import ScrapeConfig, ScrapflyClient, ScrapeApiResponse
from typing import Dict, List

scrapfly = ScrapflyClient(key="Your ScrapFly API key")

    # bypass web scraping blocking
    "asp": True,
    # set the proxy country to Germany
    "country": "de"

def parse_property_page(response: ScrapeApiResponse):
    # The rest of the parse_property_page function

async def scrape_properties(urls: List[str]) -> List[Dict]:
    """scrape listing data from immoscout24 proeprty pages"""
    # add the property pages in a scraping list
    to_scrape = [ScrapeConfig(url, **BASE_CONFIG) for url in urls]
    properties = []
    # scrape all property pages concurrently
    async for response in scrapfly.concurrent_scrape(to_scrape):
        data = parse_property_page(response)
    print(f"scraped {len(properties)} property listings")
    return properties
Run the code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    proeprties_data =
        urls = [
    # print the result in JSON format
    print(json.dumps(proeprties_data, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False))

Here, we add all property page URLs to the scrape_properties function as a scraping list and scrape them concurrently. Then, we use the parsing function we created earlier to extract the data from each page response. Finally, we append the data into the properties array.

The result is an array containing the property data of each page:

Sample output
  "id": 146053176,
  "description": "Etagenwohnung (Wohnung/Miete): 4 Zimmer - 151,2 qm - Gudrunstrasse 12, 80634 München, Neuhausen bei ImmobilienScout24 (Scout-ID: 146053176)",
  "address": "Neuhausen, 80634 München",
  "propertyLlink": "",
  "propertySepcs": {
    "floorsNumber": "5 von 5",
    "livingSpace": "151,19  m²",
    "livingSpaceUnit": "Square Meter",
    "vacantFrom": "ab sofort",
    "numberOfRooms": 4,
    "Garage/parking space": "1 Tiefgaragen-Stellplatz",
    "additionalSpecs": [
      "Balkon/ Terrasse",
      "Stufenloser Zugang"
    "internetAvailable": true
  "price": {
    "priceWithoutHeadting": "3.950 €",
    "priceperMeter": "26,13 €/m²",
    "additionalCosts": "290 €",
    "heatingCosts": "in Nebenkosten enthalten",
    "totalRent": "4.350 €",
    "basisRent": "3.950 €",
    "deposit": "11850",
    "garage/parkingRent": "110 €",
    "priceCurrency": "€"
  "building": {
    "constructionYear": 2023,
    "energySources": "Erdwärme",
    "energyCertificate": "liegt vor",
    "energyCertificateType": "liegt vor",
    "energyCertificateDate": 2023,
    "finalEnergyRrequirement": "20 kWh/(m²*a)"
  "attachments": {
    "propertyImages": [
    "videoAvailable": false
  "agencyName": "PAG Planungsgesellschaft für Anlagen-und Gebäudetechnik mbH",
  "agencyAddress": "Nördliche Münchner Straße 14a82031 Grünwald"

Our scraper can scrape property pages. Next, we'll scrape search pages which will help us to find the right properties for our real estate datasets.

How to Scrape Search Pages?

Before we start scraping search pages, let's take a look at them. Go to any search page and you will get a page similar to this:

search page on
Search page on

Instead of scraping the search pages by parsing the HTML, we'll extract all the data directly in JSON from hidden script tags.

How to Scrape Hidden Web Data

Learn what hidden data is through some common examples. You will also learn how to scrape it using regular expressions and other clever parsing algorithms.

How to Scrape Hidden APIs

Hidden web data are found in script tags in the HTML document. To view the hidden search data on Immobilienscout24, follow the below steps:

  • Open the browser developer tools by pressing the F12 key.
  • Search for the XPath selector //script[contains(text(),'searchResponseModel')]

After following the above steps, you will be able to locate a script tag containing the search result data nested as JSON:

background requests on browser developer tools
Hidden Immobilienscout24 hidden search data

Since our target JSON data are nested in HTML and JavaScript, we'll use a utility to extract it:

def find_json_objects(text: str, decoder=json.JSONDecoder()):
    """Find JSON objects in text, and generate decoded JSON data"""
    pos = 0
    while True:
        match = text.find("{", pos)
        if match == -1:
            result, index = decoder.raw_decode(text[match:])
            yield result
            pos = match + index
        except ValueError:
            pos = match + 1

The above find_json_objects can extract any JSON dataset from a string value. Let's use while requesting the search pages to scrape them:

import json
import asyncio
from typing import Dict, List
from scrapfly import ScrapeConfig, ScrapflyClient, ScrapeApiResponse

scrapfly = ScrapflyClient(key="Your ScrapFly API key")

    # bypass web scraping blocking
    "asp": True,
    # set the proxy country to Germany
    "country": "de",

def find_json_objects(text: str, decoder=json.JSONDecoder()):
    """Find JSON objects in text, and generate decoded JSON data"""
    pos = 0
    while True:
        match = text.find("{", pos)
        if match == -1:
            result, index = decoder.raw_decode(text[match:])
            yield result
            pos = match + index
        except ValueError:
            pos = match + 1

def parse_search(response: ScrapeApiResponse) -> List[Dict]:
    """parse script tags for json search results """
    selector = response.selector
    script = selector.xpath("//script[contains(text(),'searchResponseModel')]/text()").get()
    json_data = [i for i in list(find_json_objects(script)) if "searchResponseModel" in i][0]["searchResponseModel"]["resultlist.resultlist"]
    search_data = json_data["resultlistEntries"][0]["resultlistEntry"]
    max_pages = json_data["paging"]["numberOfPages"]
    return {"search_data": search_data, "max_pages": max_pages}

async def scrape_search(url: str, scrape_all_pages: bool, max_scrape_pages: int = 10) -> List[Dict]:
    """scrape immobilienscout24 search pages"""
    first_page = await scrapfly.async_scrape(ScrapeConfig(url, **BASE_CONFIG))
    data = parse_search(first_page)
    search_data = data["search_data"]
    max_search_pages = data["max_pages"]

    if scrape_all_pages == False and max_scrape_pages < max_search_pages:
        max_scrape_pages = max_scrape_pages
    # scrape all available pages in the search if scrape_all_pages = True or max_pages > total_search_pages
        max_scrape_pages = max_search_pages
    print(f"scraping search {url} pagination ({max_scrape_pages - 1} more pages)")

    # scrape the remaining search pages concurrently
    to_scrape = [
        ScrapeConfig(url + f"?pagenumber={page}", **BASE_CONFIG)
        for page in range(2, max_scrape_pages + 1)
    async for response in scrapfly.concurrent_scrape(to_scrape):

    print(f"scraped {len(search_data)} proprties from {url}")
    return search_data
Run the code

if __name__ == "__main__":
    search_data =

    # save the reuslts to a JSON file
    with open("search_results.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        json.dump(search_data, f, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False)

Here, we use the parse_search to parse the hidden web data. Next, we use the scrape_search function to scrape the first search page and get the total number of available search pages. Next, the script iterates over the max_scrape_pages value to crawl the search paginatio

The result is a list containing all the property data found in three search pages:

Sample output
    "@id": "147184265",
    "@modification": "2023-11-07T14:41:10.273+01:00",
    "@creation": "2023-09-25T16:07:38.000+02:00",
    "@publishDate": "2023-09-25T16:07:38.000+02:00",
    "realEstateId": 147184265,
    "disabledGrouping": "false",
    "resultlist.realEstate": {
      "@xsi.type": "search:ApartmentRent",
      "@id": "147184265",
      "title": "Need more Room? We have the solution for you, 4 Room Apartment in Haidhausen.",
      "address": {
        "postcode": "81541",
        "city": "München",
        "quarter": "Haidhausen",
        "description": {
          "text": "Obere Au, München"
      "companyWideCustomerId": "001.1216624",
      "floorplan": "false",
      "streamingVideo": "false",
      "listingType": "XL",
      "showcasePlacementColor": "#343434",
      "privateOffer": "false",
      "contactDetails": {
        "salutation": "FEMALE",
        "firstname": "Mary",
        "lastname": "Goos",
        "phoneNumber": "01512 3057194",
        "cellPhoneNumber": "01512 3057194",
        "company": "Mary Goos Immobilien"
      "realtorCompanyName": "Mary Goos Immobilien",
      "realtorLogoForResultList": {
        "@xsi.type": "common:Picture",
        "floorplan": "false",
        "titlePicture": "false",
        "urls": [
            "url": {
              "@scale": "SCALE",
              "@href": ""
      "galleryAttachments": {
        "attachment": [
            "@xsi.type": "common:Picture",
            "floorplan": "false",
            "titlePicture": "false",
            "urls": [
                "url": {
                  "@scale": "SCALE_AND_CROP",
                  "@href": ""
            "@xsi.type": "common:Picture",
            "floorplan": "false",
            "titlePicture": "false",
            "urls": [
                "url": {
                  "@scale": "SCALE_AND_CROP",
                  "@href": ""
            "@xsi.type": "common:Picture",
            "floorplan": "false",
            "titlePicture": "false",
            "urls": [
                "url": {
                  "@scale": "SCALE_AND_CROP",
                  "@href": ""
            "@xsi.type": "common:Picture",
            "floorplan": "false",
            "titlePicture": "false",
            "urls": [
                "url": {
                  "@scale": "SCALE_AND_CROP",
                  "@href": ""
            "@xsi.type": "common:Picture",
            "floorplan": "false",
            "titlePicture": "false",
            "urls": [
                "url": {
                  "@scale": "SCALE_AND_CROP",
                  "@href": ""
            "@xsi.type": "common:Picture",
            "floorplan": "false",
            "titlePicture": "false",
            "urls": [
                "url": {
                  "@scale": "SCALE_AND_CROP",
                  "@href": ""
            "@xsi.type": "common:Picture",
            "floorplan": "false",
            "titlePicture": "false",
            "urls": [
                "url": {
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                  "@href": ""
            "@xsi.type": "common:Picture",
            "floorplan": "false",
            "titlePicture": "false",
            "urls": [
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            "urls": [
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            "@xsi.type": "common:Picture",
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            "urls": [
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            "floorplan": "false",
            "titlePicture": "false",
            "urls": [
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            "urls": [
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            "titlePicture": "false",
            "urls": [
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            "urls": [
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            "urls": [
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            "@xsi.type": "common:Picture",
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            "urls": [
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      "spotlightListing": "false",
      "price": {
        "value": 2700,
        "currency": "EUR",
        "marketingType": "RENT",
        "priceIntervalType": "MONTH"
      "livingSpace": 104,
      "numberOfRooms": 4,
      "energyPerformanceCertificate": "true",
      "energyEfficiencyClass": "A+",
      "builtInKitchen": "false",
      "balcony": "true",
      "garden": "false",
      "calculatedTotalRent": {
        "totalRent": {
          "value": 3130,
          "currency": "EUR",
          "marketingType": "RENT",
          "priceIntervalType": "MONTH"
        "calculationMode": "SUMMARIZED"
      "constructionYear": 2017
    "attributes": [
        "attribute": [
            "label": "Kaltmiete",
            "value": "2.700 €"
            "label": "Wohnfläche",
            "value": "104 m²"
            "label": "Zimmer",
            "value": 4
    "realEstateTags": {
      "tag": [
    "hasNewFlag": "false"

Cool! Our scraper can scrape loads of real estate data with a few lines of code.


To wrap up this guide on web scraping, let's take a look at some frequently asked questions.

Yes, all the data on are publicly available. So it's legal to scrape at reasonable scraping rates. However, using personal data commercially (such as private realtors' information) may be difficult due to GDPR rules in the EU countries. Refer to our previous guide on web scraping legality for more information.

Is there a public API for

At the time of writing this article, there is no public API available for However, we have seen that we can use the private API use to get property listings for search data.

Latest Scraper Code

Web Scraping Summary is a popular website for real estate ads in Germany. Which is a highly protected website with the ability to detect and block web scrapers.

In this article, we explained how to bypass web scraping blocking. We also went through a step-by-step guide on how to scrape with Python to get real estate data from property and search pages.

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